Martín Bolaños & Monica van Asperen
The Circular Walks
a three stages infinit-poetry movement
The Map
The Map summons selected artists from The Spiritual Exercises and assigns to each one a specific level of the walk: Heavenly, Secular and Arboreal, each level indexed by a colour and a keyword. We hope that the artists included in this progressive selection that we call The Map, find open links between their works and those of others, a way to unite souls through unexpected paths in times of pandemic.
Arboreal walk. Aarushi Zarthoshtimanesh. We let ourselves be carried away by the imprint of the first amazement. The image that uses the energy of body language to disassemble something inevitable from inside and outside in contours through which a landscape and a river are filtered. The key word of Aarushi: I am the light of continuity.
Heavenly walk. Alexandra Czinczel. In the rounded world of the angel. The key word: Alexandra the friendly inhabitants.
Heavenly walk. Aliceson Carter. Joins in the celestial by breaking time with ghosts of the memory, the time of joy to cross the dawn of a dance to be stars. The key word: Aliceson magic night bird.
Secular walk. Alison Jones. The transformation into animalia, the world where we all live the powers. The Alison key: feather light feet.
Arboreal walk. Andy Harper. My territories created. Key word: Andy rename the color of a mountain.
Secular walk. Andy Holden. The pain of the construction of love, Andy’s key word: the beauty of the wrinkle.
Secular walk. Anna Dean. The kitchen and its domestic appliances and a body in motion, infusing it with the memory of the dance. Keyword: Anna churning the food in her smooth tempo.
Secular walk. Anne Lydiat. The feminist transit in the future of the limit and the trip. The Key Word: Anne Swings.
Heavenly walk. Barbara Nicholls. Cells and fluids take over our worlds. Keyword: Barbara male or female contamination.
Secular walk. Benjamin Cockett. Natural forces and our magical forces. Key word: singing in the dark.
Arboreal walk. Brian Deighton. Landscape and humour. Keyword: Brian raining.
Secular walk. Brian Sayers. Music as a field of union and separation. Links and love The key word: Brian the voyeur behind the creator.
Arboreal walk. Cara Rainbow. Face The landscape within the landscape The minimal world of the East pressing in the West. The keyword: Cara on the trip to the Lilliput area.
Arboreal walk. Caroline Areskog Jones. Put an address on Google map and discover a new place that is conformed as we move forward lose the notion of body. The key word: Caroline the set designer of a disease.
Secular walk. Caryn Simonson. The past crumbles into the present and the future, sew a body on a receipt remainder. A different dimension a different country. Key word: Caryn embroidering a rest of history.
Secular walk. Cécile Emmanuelle Borra. The overflow of a world of orders that allow us to get out of morality. Celine keyword in gustatory eroticism.
Arboreal walk. Charlotte C Mortensson. Photography as a meeting of colonial zones and territories in the disarmament of the resistance. Key word: Charlotte altered streets.
Secular walk. Charlotte Pannell. The body reduced to a connector, to circuits, to be inside the circuit, to be the mind of the image. Key Word: Charlotte understand blink of an eye.
Arboreal walk. Charlotte Pannell. Memories of a journey as the end of a place of pleasure. Keyword: Charlotte Routes to the End.
Secular walk. Cyan Dee. The magical faces, the cats and their eyes. The key word: Cyan ultraviolet eyes.
Secular walk. David Leal. A vaccine incident. Keyword: Conversation with a bat.
Arboreal walk. Dorothea Magonet. The construction of a landscape written on the body. Keyword: Dorothea Haiku for you in heaven.
Arboreal walk. Duncan Wooldridge. The plots that already define us as technological ocean nations and their flags in the corridors of the web. Keyword: Duncan.
Secular walk. Dunhill y O’Brien. My characters in the labyrinth. Keyword: Dunhill the animated loft.
Secular walk. Erika Winstone. Keyword: Erika Mundis seen from the horizon line.
Secular walk. G. Calvert. Meditation in the water. Keyword: G: Calvert be water molecules and dissolve me.
Secular walk. Greg Rook Romantic and rural collective utopias. Key word: futures in all-in-one security.
Secular walk. Helen Robertson. The little sense when it seems to end under destination. Keyword: waypoints.
Heavenly walk. Holly Slingsby. To be a golden palm within a cosmos of events. Keyword: Blister pack of starry scenes.
Arboreal walk. Hyunha Lim. The treasured landscape, in the closet. Keyword: hills and texts woven into the protection of reinventing the lake.
Heavenly walk. Inigo Batterham. The radiance of heroes. Keyword: portions of oblivion encounter.
Secular walk. Jaime Welsh. The minute after the party. Keyword: bodies in the closet slot.
Secular walk. Jana Appleyard. Life in natural order. Keyword: the meditative continuum of an animal.
Heavenly walk. Jane Eyton. Deadly beauty and her defense. Keyword: swims in poisonous secrets.
Secular walk. Janette Parris. MUNDANE THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Should I go for a walk to get some sun? Keyword: Donate you in the Candy Crater.
Arboreal walk. Jatun Risba. Be-coming Tree. Key word: the crust, human in lava rivers
Secular walk. Jeffrey Dennis. The Street Confessional. Key word: covid thresholds, invisible wars and privacy havens. In the paint.
Secular walk. Jessica Reeves. The house is a personal center of gravity. Keyword: cage woven by a snail.
Heavenly walk. Joe J Ford. Expeditions that I have been doing in my past. Keywords: Inside is a worm.
Heavenly and Arboreal walk. John Bicknell. Marat’s arm twice. I live in Greece, which for me is home and paradise, and I have no desire to be anywhere else – other than in my mind, through the inner landscape and image of poetry and painting. Key word: Fires at War, formless revolution.
Heavenly walk. John Lawrence. Fingerprints on lights. Keyword: too late.
Secular walk. Jon Rees. The faces of my friends in the window. Key word: the surprise of the eyes in the warmth of the known.
Heavenly walk. Jordan Baseman. Dancing future on a white time. Keyword: Jordan’s longing.
Secular walk. Judith Dean. Perspective of a stillness. Keyword: numbers and colors.
Heavenly walk. Julie Born Schwartz. Keyword: blue stillness.
Arboreal walk. Julie Povey A global collage. Keyword: reversing space on paper.
Arboreal walk. Kaori Homma. Vanishing memories in a visual brick. Keyword: sunset of an experience.
Secular walk. Kelly Chorpening. Keyword: sharpenings.
Secular walk. Laura Jacobs. Identifying the Self. Keyword: drawing on the mirror.
Arboreal walk. Laura White. Tales from gardens. Keyword: flowers on the green.
Secular walk. Lizzi Kew Ross. Glass of time, healthing wait. Keyword: a glance to the structures.
Secular walk. Louise Ashcroft. Performing the evil ritual. Keyword: feeding the ordinary prison.
Heavenly walk. Lucy Newman Cleeve. Opening the grey lights. Keyword: projections.
Arboreal walk. Marcus Bastel. Capturing a morning walk. Keyword: Satori.
Secular walk. Maria Chevska. Drawing Elegys on coloured paper. Keyword: Rilke’s Lockdown.
Heavenly walk. Maria Zahle. Blueprints for a helicopter trust. Keyword: Nobody’s word.
Secular walk. Marion Coutts. Soap friendships. Keyword: Simple.
Secular walk. Marisa J. Futernick. Detroit was an already emptied-out city. Keyword: gentrificating souls.
Arboreal walk. Mark Dean. Spring Fields footage, green air on a neighborhood walk.Keyword: green.
Secular walk. Mark Emblem. Postcards Sounds. Keyword: Dreamhouse.
Arboreal walk. Mark Fairnington. A history of painting. Keyword: Aira Force.
Heavenly walk. Mark St. John Ellis. SmokeSounds in a Cathedral Vessel. Keyword: Viral Redemptions.
Secular walk. Martin Newth. Mixing Sounds, Mixing Colours, Mixing Ages. Keyword: Remastering.
Secular walk. Matt Hale. A black and white time. Keyword: taxed on the cause.
Heavenly walk. Matthew Kolakowski. Distance Learning. Keyword: the frames of the golden matrix.
Heavenly walk. Megan Day-Haynes. I consider that the lack of form is a type of utopia, in its unconditional tendencies, without gender and indiscriminatory. Keyword: endless listening.
Heavenly walk. Melanie Manchot. Private privacy and pleasure to a shared public space. In that sense, the community room functions as a container. Keyword: Texas boots and sand jumping.
Heavenly walk. Mia-Nelle Drøschler. Float in the space in-between. Keyword: Soft floor and slippery feet cross the landscape.
Secular walk. Mike Nelson. Anthropomorphic presence. Keyword: power in your hands.
Secular walk. Mimi Whiteway. Agencies of fruits and pictures such as still lifes. Keyword: keyword human chance.
Secular walk. Mollin+Voegelin. shows her absent. Keyword: the rooms next door.
Heavenly walk. Molly Crump. Pieces of my home. Keyword: the softness of the interior.
Heavenly walk. Neal Brown. Fish and escalators and a sleeping body. Keyword: continuous sliding.
Arboreal walk. Nina Danino. Nocturnal of voices. Keyword: smoke of pain.
Heavenly walk. Oona Grimes & Tony Grisoni. Caught fluttering in another death game. Keyword: spectral friends.
Heavenly walk. Paul Noble. Black hole of atoms. Keyword: dance on the ship.
Arboreal walk. Peter Lewis. Between the evil. Keyword: the anchor and travel between borders of names.
Heavenly walk. Phil Baines. Alpha Omega 2020. Keyword: year by year engraved and evaporated candles.
Secular walk. Rachel Lowe. Be peace. Keyword: dangerous assertion.
Heavenly walk. Rosa de Sausmarez Parry. The wide world. Keyword: colorama solar.
Secular walk. Rose Goddard. The inheritance and the tastes. Keyword: the records that were playing that day.
Heavenly walk. Ruby Kester. It’s no one’s fault, I transit. Keyword: transformism of a dream.
Secular walk. Rut Blees Luxemburg. Magic columns of a utopian plan. Keyword: square curves of ideal cities.
Arboreal walk. Ruth Maclennan. Beavers will tenaciously rebuild after storms or human damage, to some extent. Keyword: The Inner Movement.
Arboreal walk. Rylie Goodchild. Fragile Romance. Keyword: separation evoking fantasy and wind.
Secular walk. Sarah Lightman. Things that invade me, socks and flowers. Keyword: looking at me.
Heavenly walk. Sidsel Christensen. The the river of oblivion. Keyword: the flowers that float in the sun.
Secular walk. Simon Periton. New normal. Keyword: breaking.
Arboreal walk. Sophie Horton. Just because it’s sunny outside doesn’t mean everything is fine inside. Keyword: forest remains.
Heavenly walk. Sophy Rickett. Still life (with steam). Keyword: litmus.
Secular walk. Subai Zheng. Beating eyes of terror. Keyword: in permanent war.
Heavenly walk. Suky Best. Mental curtains of substance spaces and pink rivers. Keyword: abstract universes in the air.
Secular walk. Tiger Nicholson. Clavisie and religion. Keyword: desert privileges.
Heavenly walk. Tim Hon Hung Lee. A belief system transforms an object or act into something greater than the sum of its parts. Keyword: apple.
Secular walk. Tony Hill. Sunlight. Keyword: floating light.
Arboreal walk. Trevor Coopersmith. Expansion and contraction as a journey. Keyword: infinite parks.
Heavenly walk. Wendy Anderson. Destinations and travel numbers, which are ghosts of the past and memories, juxtaposed with the shapes that refer to the windows that I look at every day. Keyword: the fee and a drawing of the impossible time.
Secular walk. Winky Tsang. This a good distance? Keyword: a work of art what mediates as a story.
Secular walk. Zethu Maseko. Mamlambo as intercultural monster. Keyword: Translating the fear.
to be continued…
love and equality
Martin Bolaños
Monica van Asperen